Woodcarving of King Ghidorah 1964【M-ARTS】 | About us Contact us |
Since its height is over one meter,
we adopted camphor tree which is best grade as a material.
Adopted the style that join with an adhesive after sculpturing each part,
because it is 1.5 meters depth including wings and a tail.
Even only the part of its body appeal strongly.
We will make a presentation at Wonder Festival in August.
To meet the day, we selected three sculptors of Buddhist images who are skillful.
We attached importance to meet a deadline, and uncompromisingly about its quality.
M-ARTS and the sculptors have struggled for its development.
Completing of fixing the center of its body on July 10th.
As you know, it is important to fix the center of its body,
but the process of sculpturing is also important.
Using dozens of carving knives, chisels and special tools to sculpture.
During the sculpture, original form was set aside, and achieving a balance of sculpture.
If a carving knife carved deeply and failed, they have to start over from the first.
We are surprised that these sculptors who have been sculpturing from a young age have high concentrations and strong minds.
July 16th. We have been seeing a whole picture of King Ghidorah little by little.
Vermiculations, distortion and crystals are highly found during the sculpture,
because of using native wood. If the volume is terrible, sculptors need to start over from the first.
This time, we are proceeding well.
At last, we are approaching the end. Carefully-sculptured each scale and each fang.
It seems most difficult process of King Ghidorah sculpture, but for sculptors,
this is the process which is the least likely to make mistakes.
It goes without saying that sculptors need stable concentrations.
July 27th. Wwe are coming to the most interesting part of the making process.
Check the details.
Dowels were added to the strength of joints, to not occur warping.
August 2nd. Sculpture has completed. King Ghidorah appears with its brave figure.
It is the arts and crafts article which took one month to make by sculptors who sacrificed their holidays.
There is only one in the world.
Even though it has very high quality, it has color shading a lot because it uses natural wood.
Whether to coat with paints or leave vividness of native wood. Our team opinions divided on this issue.
As a result of a lot of thinking…
We decided to coat with paints thinly. The result was right.
We could succeeded in covering the color shading, and leave the texture of native wood.
The special gaine suited well to the King Ghidorah's brave figure.
August 4th. "King Ghidorah" which is a copyright work of Toho,
was completed as an artistically-crafted article of woodcarving.
It is probably the first try in the world.
August 12th. It was displayed in Wonder festival for the first time.
It added excitement and produced a lot of reaction. We felt certain feedback, and got high-spirited for commercializing it.
Assuming its commercialization,
we have been developing King Ghidorah which total height is 40 centimeters.
September 19th. A trial model was completed by same processes of the above.
Sculpture of details are increasing. Completeness of the article exceeded the Ghidorah of one meter.
Supervision has been proceeding smoothly. The sculptors have been sculpturing 20 statues which are the first production.
Since you have read this story, you may know its value well.
We would like you to take woodcarving King Ghidorah which exceeded wooden toys, and succeeded to sublimate into arts and crafts.